Wednesday, 24 June 2015


Steakout (Lehotspots verified)

Casual: Good afternoon spotters, there are many up and coming HALAL venues with in the UK, covering many different sectors, from Pizza diners, to American diners to even Burger bars. However, in the Steak house sector, Steakout is hands down the most recognised Halal venue. Starting in early 2008, Steakout have supplied the public with their uniquely tasting and succulent steaks, exploding in popularity, changing the steakhouse dining experience forever.

When it comes to choosing a meal at Steakout, we highly recommend you go for a succulent steak, choose from Steakout style (Marinated in the secret spicy braai family recipe, served on a sizzling platter with fried onions & chosen sauce) or plain (more western style of steak in cut and flavour). Once you have chosen your preferred cooking style (I’m guessing and hoping you chose Steakout style) you then choose your cut of steak (Rib Eye 8oz is our recommended choice) and sauce (we recommend garlic sauce) accompanied by hand made fries.

Perfect for a meal with a group of friends while you soak up the amazing atmosphere.

Clean and sophisticated yet rustic homely décor.

A Lehotspots favorite :) Halal 👊 

Address: steak out southall: 175 the Broadway, London UB1 1LX (coming soon)

Video blog (coming soon)

#steakout #dinner #Food #GreatTimes#LateNights #lamb #chicken#livetheExperience #Atmosphere#Memories #Turkish #Happy #spice#Original #London #tasty #foodporn#instadaily #lol #lehotspotslondon#lehotspots #mydubai #2015 #chicken#curry #steaks #halal #Ramadan #iftar

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