Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Aqua London (kyoto, spirit and nueva)


Aqua London (kyoto, spirit and nueva) (LeHotspots Verified)

Elegant Chic: Pushing Japanese cuisine to the next level Aqua London could be the most sort after restaurant in recent times, Aqua London settles for nothing less than perfection from their interior/exterior,  to their menu to their 5* bar. This is one venue that will impress anyone that walks through their doors.

Looking to make an impression or experience life on the other side look no further than Aqua London
Located in Regents Street Aqua London compliments its uptown location.

This could be LeHotspots most anticipated location :)

Address: 5th Floor, 240 Regent Street (Entrance 30 Argyll Street)

London, UK W1B 3BR (coming soon)

LeHotspots video blog (coming soon)

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